Instructions for presenters and session chairs
Presenters (oral presentations)
- Oral presentations are for 20 minutes including Q&A. We recommend 15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes Q&A.
- Each room is equipped with a computer and screen. We recommend bringing your presentations in PPT or PDF format on a memory stick.
- Please be in the room, approach the session chair, and set up your presentation 10 minutes before the start of your session.
Poster presenters
- Please print your poster (A0 format) and bring it to the conference (on site printing is not provided).
- Poster stands are provided. Please make sure your poster is up before the start of the poster session, and take it down afterwards, as the room is likely to be used for other purposes the next morning.
- Conference volunteers will be available to assist you were necessary.
Session chairs
- Each session has a session chair, who is also the first presenter (except in session 1). The chairperson is responsible for keeping time and for moderating the discussion. Please be strict on timing, and try to not let sessions run into the breaks.
- Please make sure that all presenters in you session have uploaded their presentations before the start of the session (see instructions for presenters above).
- In case of unexpected absence of a presenter, please do not change the order or timing of the remaining talks, as other participants may want to move between sessions.
- Conference volunteers will be present in the rooms to help out with any technical difficulties. They can also contact the organizers if necessary.