Program committee
Katrin Auspurg

Katrin Auspurg is professor of Sociology, area Quantitative Methods of Empirical Research, at the Department of Sociology at the LMU Munich. Her research interests include (perceived) social inequalities and discrimination, analytical sociology, environmental social sciences, meta-science, and quantitative research methods (especially multifactorial survey and field experiments).
Ozan Aksoy

Ozan Aksoy is Associate Professor of Social Science at University College London. His research interests include cooperation, trust, and religious behaviour. He uses game theory, statistical and computational methods, and laboratory and natural experiments as research tools.
Vincent Buskens

Vincent Buskens is Professor of Theoretical Sociology at Utrecht University, leading the research line Cooperation in social and economic relations at the Department of Sociology. His research interests are in cooperation and trust problems, social networks, mathematical modelling, and experimental research.
Rense Corten

Rense Corten is associate professor at the Department of Sociology at Utrecht University. He studies cooperation, trust, and social networks, with empirical applications including adolescent networks, social media, the sharing economy, online criminal networks, and laboratory experiments.
Klarita Gërxhani

Klarita Gërxhani is Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy. Her main research interests relate to micro-foundations of economic sociology, institutional theory, social norms, labor market organizations, social status and gender inequalities, social capital, informal economies and tax evasion. Her research is interdisciplinary, combining laboratory, field and vignette experiments with field surveys and economic-sociological theory.
Wojtek Przepiorka

Wojtek Przepiorka is Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology at Utrecht University. His research interests are in analytical, economic and environmental sociology, organizational behavior and quantitative methodology. Wojtek uses laboratory, field and online survey experiments to investigate, among others, how social norms emerge, are enforced and change.
Bernhard Kittel

Berhard Kittel is Professor of Economic Sociology and at the Department of Economic Sociology, University of Vienna. He is interested in justice attitudes and distributive decision making in small groups and committees and in the sociology of labour markets. He currently uses mostly laboratory experiments and panel surveys. He is involved in the DFG research group FOR2104 “Need-based Justice and Distribution Procedures” and he is director of the Austrian Corona Panel Project. Further, he serves as a chairman of the scientific advisory board of GESIS. Earlier positions include professorships at the Universiteit van Amsterdam, the University of Oldenburg and the University of Bremen.